Personalized children’s clothes, bibs and accessories aren’t just cute. They’re quite useful.
Having your child’s name on their hat or shirt can keep them from getting lost at school, the babysitter’s house or when they’re with grandparents. My friend, Felicia Walton, created Sassie Babies with that in mind and does custom hand embroidery on almost anything your little one wears. Here’s some background on her company and goal as a stay at home mom:
Inspired by my baby boy, who could not keep his pacifier off the floor, I was determined to find a solution of attaching it to him. Upon finding only traditional clips with outrageous prices, I decided to make them myself for half the cost. Successfully in doing so, I now offer my solution to other moms, with several styles and patterns choose from!
She’s giving away a set of girls AND boys hand embroidered items from Sassie Babies.
- Girl’s sunhat, “Diaper Diva” bib and brown & pink pacifier clip

Boy’s sunhat, “Diaper Dude” bib and blue polka dot pacifier clip

MANDATORY entry for the giveaway:
- LIKE Sassie Babies AND Mommy Talk Show on Facebook.
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2. Sign up for Sassie Babies Newsletter and to receive Mommy Talk Show in your inbox on the right side of each website.
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Bonus entries:
Follow Sassie Babies AND Mommy Talk Show (Leave a separate comment letting us know that you did this)
Tweet: Check out @sassiebabies embroidered baby items giveaway on @MommyTalkShow http://bit.ly/sassiebabiesgiveaway #MTSGIVEAWAY
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Comment below to say if you would like the BOY or GIRL embroidered items, then Sassie Babies will embroider them for you with the same name on the HAT & PACIFIER CLIPS ONLY. No mixing and matching please! You can NOT win AND BOY & GIRL set.
One winner for each SET will be randomly selected on June 9, 2011 at 5 p.m. and posted here:
I LIKE Sassie Babies AND Mommy Talk Show on Facebook
I Signed up for Sassie Babies Newsletter and to receive Mommy Talk Show
I Follow Sassie Babies AND Mommy Talk Show
I would love the girl embroidered items!
Congrats on the baby girl!
Good luck on the contest. We’ll keep you posted!
Loving and “liking” Sassie Babies!!! Sooooo cute!!!
Thanks Nailah. Good luck. I’ll keep you posted on the contest!
Loving and “liking” Sassie Babies! Soooo cute! 🙂
I liked BOTH sites.. Hope I win. I need the BOY stuff!!! LOL!
I’m a fan of Sassie and MTS! I hope I win the Boy stuff!!!
Good luck! Look to the right and SIGN UP to get MTS updates in your inbox as well as sign up for the Sassie Babies e-newsletter.
Liked both pages! Signed up for newsletter for Mommy Talk Show….can’t find the Sassie newsletter sign up link…ugh!
Newsletter for Sassie – done!