[VIDEO] 3 Reasons NOT to Compare Yourself to Other Moms; It’s Not a “Mompetition”

You know the mom I’m about to describe.
She’s got a bigger house. Her kids are well-behaved.
She never leaves the house without full makeup and a designer outfit.
She only feeds her children organic, local produce and makes you feel guilty for serving your child a Cheerio.
Her toddler takes a 2 1/2 hour nap during the day and sleep 14 hours at night.

Thanks to my Facebook wall post about feeling down and inadequate this week when comparing myself to other moms, I was inspired to make this video post. Here’s what I wrote:

Can I be honest for a sec? Sometimes I’m so envious of moms who seem to “have it together” with their careers or their own businesses. Most days, I’m a mess, sleep-deprived and scatter brained. Am I all alone???

Do you compare yourself to other moms?

Why do we beat ourselves up for things that are usually out of our control?

Check out themompetition.com for some funny parenting pics and cartoons.

About Joyce Brewer

Creator & Host of Mommy Talk Show. Emmy award-winning TV journalist.Wife & Mommy; Mom Blogger; Social Media Coach; Long Island, New York transplant living in Atlanta, GA. Follow Joyce on Twitter @MommyTalkShow Author of Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms featuring interviews with mompreneurs who created businesses using their skills & backgrounds.

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  1. This is a very good post/video. I appreciate you bringing up this topic because there are so many mom bloggers out there who feel like they are in competition with other moms. I really dislike that, and I go out of my way NOT to compete with other moms and other bloggers.

    Love ya, girl!

  2. Joyce, you are not alone! Now, I can’t see the video here (work, shh) but I can tell you that I’m nowhere near the perfect mom – AND IT KILLS ME. I hate that I can’t be everything all the time. I want to be the PTO Mom, The Scout Leader, the Field Trip Chaperone, the Room Mother, etc etc. But I can’t. I have to work and provide for my kids. I don’t feed them organic, hormone-free food and I’m a terrible person for it (according to some). But you know what? I do the best I can and my girls love me to bits for it. They will be thankful for the fact that I WANT to do all of this for them and they won’t feel slighted or less loved because I can’t. Show AJ love and he’ll know that his mom is the best mom for him.

  3. Amen!! Be real, be you, and be able to laugh. In the spirit of transparency of a fellow Mommy who certainly does not have it all together, let me just say….I need to wrap this up and go take a shower before the hubby gets home from out of town and realizes I have yet to even brush my teeth today. There you have it!

    • Now that’s the kind of mommy-dom I can relate to.
      I realized I hadn’t taken a shower in 3 days and sadly, my husband didn’t care!

  4. Oh, you had me cracking up with #2! Thankfully, I haven’t fallen into the trap of trying to get into the trap of comparing my mom skills to anyone else…you are so right with #3…I don’t have the time too! When CJ gets all fussy for no reason while I’m fixing him a bottle, I sure do give him a hand full of Cheerio’s to distract him. I do sometimes feel a little bad when I stick him in his crib/playpen/chair and put on one of his Baby Einstein or My Baby Can Read videos (on repeat!) simply because I need my hands free to take care of some business stuff or I need him quiet so I can make some calls and sound professional…but the feeling quickly passes as I know that while he has me around most of the time most days, I need time to help take care of him financially, in addition to physically and mentally.

  5. I”m not a mom but I think it is good practice to not compare ourselves to others in general. I’m working on it. but it’s hard. There is always someone who appears to have it all together yet when you talk to people they often think you are the one who has it all together. We all need to work on being supportive, non-judgmental and not comparing ourselves to one another.