Wordful Wednesday: Meet a Future TV & Film Director #WW #FiguringOut40LA

Meet Candace Woods, a senior at Washington & Jefferson College who’s the next Helen Hunt, Kathryn Bigelow or Shonda Rhimes. Candace, remember me when you accept your Oscar! (Remember that time we walked to The Grove?!)

Wordless Wednesday or Wordful Wednesday ~ MommyTalkShow.com

Candace and I were suite mates when I went to Los Angeles for my 40th birthday in August. You may remember all my #FiguringOut40LA videos (they’re down below). Guess who shot them for me? Then I returned the favor and shot some for her blog.

What’s funny is I’m technically old enough to be Candace’s mother. But I did my best NOT to come off too preachy about my experience in TV news when she told me about her TV and film aspirations. Candace was in Los Angeles to shoot a documentary for her capstone project. She’d set up interviews with some major players in Hollywood. I think that takes a lot of guts!

We were so similar and so different. We’re both from the East Coast. Candace is into Glee. I’m into Chelsea Lately and TMZ. She was such a trooper because she let me drag convince her along to my celebrity gossip experience.

Candace is an extremely “together” young woman who taught me a thing or two. Yes, even at 40 I can learn from a college student!

Comment below: Have you ever met someone on vacation you stayed close with? (I’m Facebook friends with a woman from Canada I sat next to on a flight!)

#FiguringOut40LA Videos


About Joyce Brewer

Creator & Host of Mommy Talk Show. Emmy award-winning TV journalist.Wife & Mommy; Mom Blogger; Social Media Coach; Long Island, New York transplant living in Atlanta, GA. Follow Joyce on Twitter @MommyTalkShow Author of Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms featuring interviews with mompreneurs who created businesses using their skills & backgrounds.

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  1. She sounds like an amazing young woman – I will definitely keep my eyes peeled for hear name!

  2. I did for a while and kept up with them, but recently we have not been in touch. My parents make friends all the time on cruises and keep up with them regularly.

  3. I’ve never completely vacationed meeting somebody. But I did go to KS to visit a blog friend and stay with her and her family! Good thing neither of us is creepy:)

  4. I have not met a person on vacation and stayed friends with them afterwards. But, I have wished I did on many occasions. Kudos to you for taking the brave leap and turning a vacation partner in to a real world friend!

  5. How fun!! I have never done that but I always go on vacation and see someone I know. Really, how weird is that!

  6. I love that you made such a great connection on your LA trip. I know there is a lot Candace can learn from you, and it sounds like there is a thing or two we could learn from her also. It’s always so funny when some of my blogging friends realize that I have a son the same age as them. I think it’s great that we can make meaningful connections with women of all ages.

  7. That’s so great to become such good friends so quickly. I’ve never made a friend on vacation but my parents became friends with a couple on a cruise and a few months later they came to my parents for a visit. That made me a bit nervous but it was fine

  8. wow. thats the great thing about the internets and working with younger people. OF course we get to learn from them, thats the whole point to staying RELEVANT!

    i hope she makes it big!

  9. My daughter has met friends she has kept in touch with via email, but I can’t say I have.

  10. How fun is that? Some of my mom’s best pen pals (Christmas cards and such) are people they met when they were on vacation in Mexico and Australia!

  11. I am horrible about keeping in touch with people! That is my next goal…to keep in touch with someone I meet while on vacation, away etc.

  12. This is a great post. It’s amazing how friendships form.