[VIDEO] Introducing #FiguringOut40

[VIDEO] Introducing #FiguringOut40For those who’ve been following the Mommy Talk Show Facebook page, I’ve shared a little bit about #FiguringOut40.

My 40th birthday is one month away and I’ve been going through a bit of an emotional roller coaster about it.

This first #FiguringOut40 explains why. I hope you tune in each Sunday for a new video. Get each new talk show topic in your inbox by subscribing to Mommy Talk Show RSS feed.

Video: Introducing #FiguringOut40

Comment below

How has getting older affected how you feel about yourself – emotionally, physically and emotionally?

Have you heard other women complain or lament about getting older? How can we support each other through this journey?

#FiguringOut40 Twitter Chat July 21, 2013

Therapist Thommi Odom will answer questions on Sunday, July 21st from 9-9:30p EST in a #FiguringOut40 Twitter chat. RSVP on the Mommy Talk Show Facebook event for updates.

Sponsor Figuring Out 40

If your brand or business has a product or service that would be ideal for women 35 and over, I’d love to talk with you about a partnership.

This can include

  • Professionally produced video review or online commercial.
  • Live, interactive chats  with moms on the Mommy Talk Show Facebook page (2,300 fans) or with @MommyTalk Show  (4,800 followers) answering moms’ FAQ’s.
  • Hosting the show on-location and inviting Atlanta moms to your business.

About Joyce Brewer

Creator & Host of Mommy Talk Show. Emmy award-winning TV journalist.Wife & Mommy; Mom Blogger; Social Media Coach; Long Island, New York transplant living in Atlanta, GA. Follow Joyce on Twitter @MommyTalkShow Author of Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms featuring interviews with mompreneurs who created businesses using their skills & backgrounds.

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  1. 1st – Great Eyes! They are popping off the screen and giving you a great glow! 2nd- Happy Early Birthday
    3rd- I love getting older! I love the maturity and wisdom that comes with time. I love looking back and being so very thankful that I’m not were I used to be and being excited with the direction I know Im headed in. I hear 40’s are ‘da bomb. LOL! Can’t wait to hear all about it.

  2. When I turned 20, I felt like I had finally become an adult, but still felt childlike in some ways. It was a fun and carefree time. Now that I’m pushing 30, I still feel like a child – but I also think I should be dressing differently, acting differently… I think that we all go through some introspection when we reach another age range, but this doesn’t have to be a negative thing! It’s not like a whole lot is changing just because you’ve added another year to your life! Happy early birthday to you, Joyce! (And by the way, I would have never guessed that you were turning 40. I thought we were closer in age!)

  3. SMH I thought by 30 I would have life figured out now I am into my 30’s and nothing is going as to how I planned it but I will say this I have learned to approach things differently as I get older. Good luck to you as you start your new journey soon

  4. 40 is in my rear view mirror with 50 being seen a bit up the road ahead. I had a LOT of people tell me my body would ‘fall apart’ on my 40th birthday. Some things are definitely different, but with hard work I think my body is in better shape now than in my 20s and 30s.

  5. I think a support group for aging women is a great thought! I know many women who have gone through “crisis” especially around birthdays. Celebrating and being proud about who we are and what we have accomplished is so important. 🙂

  6. I loved turning 40. Its the year I decided to become an entrepreneur and set my own schedule. You will love your 40s… trust me!

  7. I love this series you are doing. I will be 30 next month and kinda going through the same thing. But I am trying to see it as a positive and make it some of the best years!

  8. I struggle as I age because I have MS, and that can make me feel older than I am. Mentally though, I feel that I have a good grip on aging so far. I hope that holds as I creep up to the big 3-0!

  9. This is great!!! I will be retweeting this.

  10. BernettaStyle.com

    I keep hearing people get this AHAAAAAAA at 40!! I am learnin alot in my 30s about myself and people around me. I want to have it together by 40 – we shall see!

  11. Turning 40 wasn’t so bad, still looking forward my next step is 45. 🙂

  12. I read this / watched this last week and feel asleep. No fault of yours, it was like 1 am. LOL But it has been on my mind to get back here and tell you that I’m excited to watch you in the process of #Figuringout40. I was excited to turn 30 because 29 was a rough year. I hope to be excited for 40 on its own merits but I admit at 33, 40 does feel a little scary.

    I love your approach and know you’ll get it all figured out. I’m watching and learning.