My Dream Journal: I’m Writing the Script for the Life I Want

When I see folks go on and on about how much they love their journals, I immediately think they’re weird. When I was a teenager I kept a journal of the silly things that went on in my life that seemed immense at the time. That included which boys liked me and who didn’t; girls who were jealous and mean. When I think about it, I journaled about really silly, meaningless things. Now let’s fast forward to midlife and I’m about to start my dream journal. My affiliate links are below.

How to Dream Journal and Get the Life You Want

As an over 40 wife and Mother, my struggle with journaling includes finding the time to write and coming up with something insightful to share. Then I happened upon a post from a fellow mom blogger about a journaling technique she uses on a consistent basis. I was immediately intrigued, did some more research and decided to give it a try. I’ll share it with you here then update you on the Mommy Talk Show Facebook page.

To give you an example of how a dream journal works, we’re doing research to buy a home in the Atlanta area or wherever we move next. Anyone who’s moved knows that it is one of the most stressful things, third in line behind death and divorce, that you can ever experience. You may remember when I shared 5 Helpful Websites to Visit When You Move to a New Neighborhood.

New Neighborhood

How to Dream Journal and

Get the Life You Want

I’ll share my dream journal entry about what I hope is our smoothest experience ever, including finding an affordable reputable mover and for all the move-in/move-out dates to sync up impeccably. Here’s what I’ll write in my journal:

Once we found a great deal with five-star reviewed mover on Groupon, we checked the move-in dates we needed and it was available.

Getting help from our friends to pack and sending A.J. to a sleepover really helped our productivity. I’m glad I started buying sturdy plastic storage containers on sale so that we had enough to pack up each room.

Whew! No items were broken as we moved from the old house to the new house (unlike last time) and the cleaning crew was pulling up in the driveway as we pulled out. I can’t wait to unpack and start decorating. Plus, we’ll get our deposit returned to us in 14 days!

See how simple that was!  Your dream journal entries can be bullet points too. Don’t worry about writing full sentences like I did.

Are you dreaming of the ideal job with ideal hours and benefits? Write about what your first day of work will be like in your dream journal.

Are you planning to have another child, but you’re not sure how your family’s finances will handle it? Write about what your future budget will look like in your dream journal.

Dream Journal Benefits

You can start anytime.

No issue is too big or too small to dream journal about.

You start to have a positive and optimistic outlook.

You’ll be motivated to look ahead and plan.

You can add dream journal pages to your daily journal if you’d like.

How to Dream Journal and Get the Life You Want

In three to six months, I can’t wait to see what changes happen in my life and how the dream journal fulfills itself. I also have plans to dream journal about major purchases and selecting a middle school for A.J.

What would dream journal about to help yourself and your family grow?

To see how Danielle Faust approaches Future Scripting for Dream to Come True.

Check out Bernetta Knighten’s list of 7 Scriptures about Speaking Things Into Existence.

About Joyce Brewer

Creator & Host of Mommy Talk Show. Emmy award-winning TV journalist.Wife & Mommy; Mom Blogger; Social Media Coach; Long Island, New York transplant living in Atlanta, GA. Follow Joyce on Twitter @MommyTalkShow Author of Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms featuring interviews with mompreneurs who created businesses using their skills & backgrounds.

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  1. Congrats on the new house. Keep dreaming as things do happen.

  2. I love to journal and there are so many beautiful ones out there.

  3. I really like the idea of this type of journaling. The scriptures support writing your visions down to experience the manifestaton, let me get started!

  4. I like this, making the time daily would be my biggest chore. I used to journal as a kid. I loved it. We are moving in a few months and I’m so glad you mentioned Groupon for movers. I’m going to keep that in mind

  5. Congratulations on you new house! This method of journaling is like positive affirmations.

  6. I started reading this and immediately thought about Bernetta and her dream journal. Love this Joyce. I just started using a journal and I do write out my dreams in specific details. The big one right now is a new school for my son.

  7. I really love the idea of journaling. I have never been good at keep journals I tend not to know how to go about it, but yov’ve shared some inspiring tips that i will look into. Thanks

  8. Its all about manifesting. Writing down your dreams can help them manifest we should all have dream journals

  9. That was very simple. Congratulations on purchasing your new home. My sister just purchased her first home and I feel so bad that my family will be on vacation so we won’t be here to help her. I’m praying that she will have good movers so I will check Groupon, which is the least I can do. She is a journaling and a heavy reader so I will send her this post because it could be helpful for her to start a similar routine.

  10. I’ve never heard of this until now. My journals when I was young resembled yours completely but I’m happy that I’m reading this because it’s definitely something I will try. I’ve had a few journals and as I’ve gotten older I’ve struggled in what I should put in them and instead have a lot of blank pages.

  11. This is such a great idea. There are two things I would write about, well three:
    Finding a new job that’s better paying and flexible
    Having my 2nd baby
    Having my student loans paid off

  12. I absolutely love journaling! It’s very theraputic for me. I haven’t used it in this way before though. It’s a good idea! I’ll have to try dream journaling

  13. Love this idea! Some of my dream journal entries would talk about my business dreams and goals. I would also sprinkle in a few personal dreams. Great idea!

  14. I journal frequently but I’ve never heard of the concept of dream journalism…but I love it! I’m going to try and do it.