Brands & Products Women Over 35 Love to TALK About Twitter Chat 9/15 #FiguringOut40

I’d like to continue sharing my journey of turning 40 and figuring things out, by hosting a Twitter chat to zero in on what women over 35 love to TALK about! Bring your honesty and opinions to this online party you can attend while you’re in your PJs.

VIDEO: Chelsea Lately Live Taping #FiguringOut40LAIf you’re new here, catch up on my adventures in Los Angeles for #FiguringOut40LA where I visited The Grove, watched a Chelsea Lately Taping and nabbed a one-on-one interview with Van Lathan, a Hollywood TMZ Tour Guide. It was a child-free, husband-free adventure where I quenched my thirst for celebrity gossip!

It was all part of what motivated me to start #FiguringOut40 this year. I’d love to continue my goal of connecting you with brands you’ll love to talk about. But first, help me do a little research in an upcoming Twitter chat.


#FiguringOut40 Twitter Chat

DATE:   Sunday, September 15, 2013

TIME:  9-10 pm EST

PRIZES:  $15 Fandango Gift Card and $15 Starbucks Gift Card

HOST: @MommyTalkShow

HASHTAG: #FiguringOut40


FACEBOOK RSVP: Add your Twitter handle here –

TIPS FOR FOLLOWING PARTY:  Have fun. Reply, retweet and use the hashtag #mycarab to qualify for the prizes. Read 7 Tips to Have Fun at Your First Twitter Party!

Comment below: Would you prefer to have #FiguringOut40 conversations via Facebook chat, Twitter party or a Google+ Hangout?

#FiguringOut40 Twitter Chat 9/15 ~

Bloggers and Brands

If you’re a blogger who’s over 35 and would like to be a panelist or contributor for #FiguringOut40, e-mail [email protected] with the subject line: #FiguringOut40

Fill out my online form.

About Joyce Brewer

Creator & Host of Mommy Talk Show. Emmy award-winning TV journalist.Wife & Mommy; Mom Blogger; Social Media Coach; Long Island, New York transplant living in Atlanta, GA. Follow Joyce on Twitter @MommyTalkShow Author of Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms featuring interviews with mompreneurs who created businesses using their skills & backgrounds.

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  1. I wish I was going to be home that night–I would love to be a panelist or at least join the party!! good luck–you are going to have lots and lots to talk about!

  2. Thanks for the heads up! I’ll try to pop in if I get a chance.

  3. What an awesome idea for women to be able to open dialogue on products that are geared towards their age. Love the twitter party idea and the hashtag is stellar!

  4. Sounds like a great discussion topic for sure!!!

  5. Thanks for letting me know. I will try to make it.

  6. I am going to try to make it although I am no way near that age I would like to learn some things so I can be wiser when I get there.

  7. I like the video! How you divided it up with your trip to L.A. I have to get better with my editing!
    Sounds like a cool twitter Party! I will try to make it.

  8. What a fun idea! Makes me wish I lived closer!!

  9. What a swell idea!! I’m sure you will have a lot of people tune in

  10. i love chats like this. one where we can take advice from other women. good luck!

  11. What a fabulous way to connect with other women your age!

  12. oh, i will try to pop in. i love a good twitter party!!

  13. What a great way for people to connect!

  14. What a fabulous idea! I need to jump and do this with you!

  15. Thanks for the notice! I’ll try to remember to make it!!!

  16. Oh my! Your child-free, spouse-free trip sounds wonderful! I bet you were very relaxed.
    I’m not quite 35 yet, but can already see some changes, not only in lifestyle decisions, but also in my health and beauty. This chat sounds like it could be very beneficial for those of us approaching 35, too!

  17. I’ll definitely be there. RSVP @berrymorin

  18. Twitter is my first choice to party, I wouldn’t mind Google+ hangout or FB either.

  19. On Twitter, please.


  20. Can’t wait to twitter party!

  21. @n210ss or @n210ss_jail

    I like Twitter parties! Let’s just meet in Atlanta LOL

  22. RSVP as @Gods_Smile. I prefer Twitter. With Facebook you have to keep refreshing the page and I haven’t done a chat with Google + but am open to it.