Here’s a 90 Day Personal Challenge to Improve Four Key Life Areas #MommyTalkShow90

As my next birthday looms and the reality of a minor personal disappointment settles in – I decided to take more accountability for the direction of my life. So I created a 90 day personal challenge limited to four areas of my life that can lead to an overall improvement. You’re welcome to follow along from today (August 1, 2018 through October 29, 2018) and even join in! Here’s an explanation of how I think this will look for the four key areas of my life I’d like to improve in 90 days.


Issue: I am dehydrated and “hit a wall” every afternoon when I crave a diet coke.

I am challenging myself to not only drink more water but to find ways to stay hydrated without getting bored. So I’ll try different infused water recipes, water bottles, and foods that will keep me hydrated long.

I’ll get insight from medical experts and review products that can help us all stay hydrated.

Instead of saying I’ll hit the gym every day – which I know won’t happen – I’m focusing on a personal challenge of staying hydrated the healthiest way possible.

Mental Calm

Issue: I get anxious.

Yes, even award-winning journalists who’ve interviewed Oprah and Vice-President Al Gore get anxious.

I am challenging myself to try a variety of calming techniques to think positively and lower my anxiety myself. I’ve already scoured a few YouTube videos for meditations that I plan to try. If you have a meditation app that you love and would recommend, send me a message on the Mommy Talk Show Facebook page or tweet me @MommyTalkShow.

[Tweet “Recommend your favorite meditation app! #MommyTalkShow90”]


Issue: I’m working on short and long-term career goals.

Although blogging is my biggest income stream, I also handle social media for clients, produce videos for myself, write freelance articles and get inboxed dozens of questions every week on all of these topics.

Occasionally I’m asked to participate in panel discussion or host panel discussions like Q&A’s.

Joyce Brewer On Camera

I’d like to come up with a more cohesive way to handle all of these, get a more consistent part-time gig and find a way to juggle all of this without making A.J. feel like he’ll be stuck in aftercare or with a sitter.

You may recall I’m also working on my Dream Journal to achieve what I want.

Financial Organization

Issue: We don’t have a will and our financial papers need an organization system.

You may recall I shared some of my personal financial challenges in a partnership with Prudential, including concerns about my retirement savings.

In the next 90 days, we will start investigating the best way to set up a will & guardianship for A.J.

I’m also the queen of managing a messy desk. It may appear to be random piles to you at first glance, but I have an idea of where things are.

What I’d like to do is make things crystal clear with organized, labeled folders, along with copies that are with my extended family in case of an emergency.

If something happened to me or my husband, I need to make things extremely clear on where our important documents are.

What would you work on for your own 90 Day Personal Challenge?

Here's a 90 Day Personal Challenge to Improve Four Key Life Areas #MommyTalkShow90

Follow the Mommy Talk Show 90 Day Personal Challenge

I will check in every 10 days or so to give you updates, but most importantly I can’t wait to tell you how much I’ve improved by the end of October.

Follow the hasthag #MommyTalkShow90 on all social media so you can see all the posts specifically for this personal challenge.

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About Joyce Brewer

Creator & Host of Mommy Talk Show. Emmy award-winning TV journalist.Wife & Mommy; Mom Blogger; Social Media Coach; Long Island, New York transplant living in Atlanta, GA. Follow Joyce on Twitter @MommyTalkShow Author of Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms featuring interviews with mompreneurs who created businesses using their skills & backgrounds.

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  1. I need to read more often. I have a book I borrowed from the library and I struggle to give myself the time, even just a few minutes a day. But I know I SHOULD.

  2. We could all have these goals. I am definitely working on my water intake too. It’s amazing how much better I feel when I’m hydrated. I’ll be back to watch your progress!

  3. Headspace is really good. Mindfulness was also good but for some reason I don’t use it as often