As a business woman, I’m always looking for knowledge and expertise to take me to the next level. If you’re in the same mindset join me March 10, 2012 at the Propel Summit for Women Entrepreneurs. It’s a day-long conference featuring business expertise from amazing speakers. In fact, I’m speaking at Propel about getting your business message to the media. Read below for videos featuring the guest speakers and how to register.
Who should attend the Propel Summit for Women Entrepreneurs?
“Whether you have a well established business or are just getting started, the Propel Summit will inspire, motivate, and empower you. You will connect with an influential group of smart, savvy women business owners who are ready to move their business to the next level and invest in their SUCCESS!
We provide you a day of high value content from experts who are TOP in their field PLUS networking with successful entrepreneurs just like you who want to grow their business with the support of other like-minded business women. This is no pitch-fest! It’s all about connecting, learning and implementing!”
Who are the speakers at the Propel! Summit?
Business and career strategist Adrienne Graham is the keynote speaker and made national headlines with her Forbes Magazine article, “No, You Can’t Pick My Brain. It Costs Too Much.”
No You Can’t Pick My Brain Article from Adrienne Graham on Vimeo.
Here is a sample of the knowledge and expertise from the business women speakers at the Propel! Summit for Women Entrepreneurs.
[tubepress mode=”playlist” playlistValue=”3189DC0BEDEA8D05″]How can I register for the Propel Summit for Women Entrepreneurs?
The one day conference is Saturday, March 10th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Hyatt Place Perimeter. Thru February 25th, take advantage of Early Bird registration for the one day conference and pay just $35. Regular registration is $47.
The Propel Summit for Women is presented by Smart Money Chicks, a financial education resource for women.