As a work at home mom, I’m always looking for new opportunities to make money without being away from our son. Every little bit counts especially as we get closer to holiday shopping season.
One way I hope to earn a little extra cash in the future is with Jingit. Very simply it allows you to interact on your computer or smart phone by watching online ads and earning money for it. You’ll hear about well-known brands and new ones on the market.
“Like to watch ads? You’ll love this product.
My experience with Jingit
I logged on to Jingit while using my laptop in bed and grabbed by iPhone 4s because I wanted to see how it works with both.

It took a few seconds to sign up and connect my account with Facebook. The Facebook app showed me several of my friends already use Jingit too.

Since I spend a lot of time on my iPhone 4s I also connected my mobile number with Jingit and received a text message with a verification code.

The first online ad and survey I interacted with was for s’mores, the popular snack made with graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate. Kraft asked me a few short questions and recommended I connect with the brand on Pinterest for even more recipe ideas.

I went back the next day and watched a back to school ad for Elmer’s glue on the mobile app. In total, I earned about $0.58 by watching two ads, taking a few survey questions, as well as sharing Jingit with my griends on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
I also created a Google+ Album with more photos showing how I signed up for Jingit and watched the advertising.
Sign up for Jingit
Start earning money now by signing up for Jingit using the Facebook application on your computer or smartphone.
Comment below: Do you think it’s something you’d try?
Are you more interested in the mobile app or watching ads on your computer?
Follow Jingit on Twitter: and Facebook:
My recommendations for Jingit
- Since it takes a $3.00 balance to sign up for a Jingit Visa Debit Card, I’d love for the company to create one interaction that accumulates that credit.
- I’d love to choose what I can learn more about based on my interests. Toys and learning applications for our son are important to me. As we get closer to the holidays it will be interesting to see if options change.
- Right now the only place near me to check-in using the Jingit mobile app is Walmart. Since the closest location to me is 20 minutes away and I’m a serious “couponer”, I shop at grocery and drug stores more frequently. I’d like to see Jingit connect with other retailers.
- I’m trying to cut down on processed foods and snacks, so s’mores is not a food our family eats. If Jingit connected with natural and organic foods I could see myself interacting even more.
Disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.
This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study
for Collective Bias™ and Jingit #CBias #SocialFabric”
All thoughts are 100% my own.
I haven’t tried Jingit yet but have been hearing a lot about it. I like that you shared your recommendations. I’ll have to check out the app.
I don’t know, it seems like too much “work” for 58 cents but I think if they incorporated some of the suggestions you made, it would make it a great app. Especially the ability to earn $3 for the VISA minimum during one viewing.
I started using this last week. Seems pretty quick and easy, but there’s just not many ads as of yet. Hopefully that will improve over time. I haven’t utilized the mobile app yet but will probably check it out too.
I have heard so much about Jingit! As soon as I get an iPhone I’m going to try it out!
I have heard about Jingit too (well last week! LOL!) But I didn’t download the app yet.
I now thinking more about it. But the reviews weren’t too good with actual financial making opportunities.
Well, that’s interesting. It sounds like it could be fun if there are enough opportunities. I’ll have to put this on my list to check out.
looks interesting! I’d agree with your suggestions … seems like a little amount of money though
I signed up for Jingit and love it. I hit the $10 weekly limit in only 2 days of use. I signed for the Jingit debit card and was able to transfer $25 to the card in only 3 weeks of using Jingit. I highly recommend this app if you live close to a Walmart like I do.
I’ve thinking about doing this I am always looking for opportunities to earn from home. Especially since my laptop has been on the fritz for a few months now.
Sounds like a cool way to make a few extra bucks, I’ll have to check it out!
The bigger money-making opportunities are definitely in-store…I agree, it would be great if they paired with more stores!