Joyce Brewer

Creator & Host of Mommy Talk Show. Emmy award-winning TV journalist.Wife & Mommy; Mom Blogger; Social Media Coach; Long Island, New York transplant living in Atlanta, GA. Follow Joyce on Twitter @MommyTalkShow Author of Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms featuring interviews with mompreneurs who created businesses using their skills & backgrounds.

Will there be a “blizzard baby boom?”

After the snow in the Northeast and here in the Atlanta area, Mommy Talk Show asked our guests: "Will there be a blizzard baby boom?" We suspect because so many families were snowed in for several days that moms and dads took part in some "free entertainment" that could result in a baby boom in approximately nine to 10 months!

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How do you handle questions about Baby #2?

The moms in our Mommy Talk Show premiere were asked "How do you handle questions about Baby #2?" Maran's daughter, Ali, is an only child. When Ali turned 7, Maran and her husband decided their family of three was just fine. Karen's son, Michal, is also an only child. He was a surprise for Karen and her husband and they don't want to plan any family additions. If they add to their family, it'll be a surprise as well. Diane is also content with her family of three. She says people starting asking about Baby #2 when her son, Ethan, was about 6 months old. Diane and her husband may consider adopting an older child in a few years. My husband and I are still adjusting to being newlyweds so A.J. will likely be an only child. My husband says we're "one and done!"

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CNN: Parents open bakery for their disabled daughter and hire others with special needs

I have a niece who is deaf. She's a married working mom with two sons. I have another niece with Down Syndrome who works full-time and has won awards in her local Special Olympics. So people with disabilities have a special place in my heart. I've watched my nieces do things some people might have thought was impossible for them. If they had been born 20 or 30 years earlier, no one would have expected them to work outside the home or support themselves. Thank God that's not the expectation now. That's why tears came to my eyes when I saw this story on CNN about a Florida family who opened Casey's Cookies so their disabled daughter and other young people with special needs could get vital job skills.

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Today Show: Controversial “Chinese Mother” Wall Street Journal article and book by Amy Chua

All over Facebook last week, I saw links to this controversial Wall Street Journal article written about the tough, no nonsense parenting approach Chinese mothers have. It's an excerpt from a book, "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother," by Amy Chua. I can imagine some American moms and dads were offended by the viewpoint that we are too lenient on our children and that causes them to fail. I was raised in a pretty tough, no nonsense household by American parents. We had expectations of good behavior and good grades. My parents were also very clear that the front door is where democracy stopped and a loving dictatorship began. You can find lots of articles and blog posts blasting Chua. I'm not going to add to the noise. She's a mom on a mission with books to sell. That's my take on it. Although she's getting criticized left and right, she also knows there's no such thing as bad publicity.

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Meet the moms of the premiere Mommy Talk Show webisode

Get a great group of moms together and you're bound to have cheers and tears! That's what we experienced during the taping of the premiere series of webisodes of Mommy Talk Show. Our guests include: Karen Brown, a lia sophia jewelry advisor: Diane Costello, owner of The Traveling Diaper Show: Maran Banta, Send Out Cards Independent Advisor: We had a wonderful chat at the Cafe of Life, a chiropractic office in Grant Park, our location sponsor. On Mommy, look forward to three informative videos from Dr. April Warhola about the role of chiropractic care in fertility, prenatal care and for newborns after delivery.

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