A Kinder, More Gentle Way to Say “I’m 42 Years Old”

A Kinder, More Gentle Way to Say: "I'm 42 Years Old" ~ MommyTalkShow.com

This year I decided I’m not turning 42 years old.

I’m not rewinding or stopping the clock either. I’m simply taking a different approach to this midlife mark. In case you’re new here, back in 2013 I was about to turn 40 years old so introduced Figuring Out 40. It was a coping mechanism that I flipped into a blogging opportunity!

Usually terms about my age don’t bother me. But this year, 42 just started to sound weird and awkward. Especially when people ask how old I am. They never believe I’m 41 or about to turn 42. (Thank you Baby Jesus and my Mom for smooth skin!) Then, if they see me with my husband who’s nine years younger, they never detect an age gap. Whew!

There are words women over 40 have to cope with that bother me to my core like, Advanced Maternal Age. I noticed it on my medical chart at my last mammogram. So I came up with some alternative descriptions to describe a “geriatric pregnancy.”

What Is Advanced Maternal Age

Related topic: How to Get Pregnant Over 40: Celebrity Moms Who Made It Look Easy

So instead of turning 42, I decided that it is the…….20th anniversary of my 22nd birthday.

A Kinder, More Gentle Way to Say: "I'm 42 Years Old" ~ MommyTalkShow.com

Yeah. laugh if you want. But it’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

What’s weirder is that I don’t really remember my 22nd birthday. I know I’d just graduated from Hofstra University and I was about to go off to graduate school at the University of Missouri-Columbia. I was probably wrapping up my work as a telemarketer at Chemical Bank (now Chase) and preparing to move across the country. Little did I know that would be the first of five more moves in 20 years.

Back then I was probably 40 pounds slimmer and full of potential. My, how things have changed! The weight part, not the potential.

I had no idea my journalism career would have my work featured on Dateline NBC, The View or earn an Emmy award for my station’s coverage of Hurricane Katrina.

Are you a mid-life mom? Join me every Monday when I tackle this topic on the blog and the Mommy Talk Show Facebook page.  I think I’ll do something about skin care over 40 next, since I’ve been fortunate enough to review great skin care lines and even received Boots Skin Care as a giveaway when I was in the audience at The View. We had a blast! Subscribe to get hot topics delivered to your inbox.  You can also catch up on the rest of the Figuring Out 40 topics I started sharing in 2013.

About Joyce Brewer

Creator & Host of Mommy Talk Show. Emmy award-winning TV journalist.Wife & Mommy; Mom Blogger; Social Media Coach; Long Island, New York transplant living in Atlanta, GA. Follow Joyce on Twitter @MommyTalkShow Author of Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms featuring interviews with mompreneurs who created businesses using their skills & backgrounds.

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  1. Robin Masshole mommy

    I like the way you think! I am going to turn back the clock, too!

  2. Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle

    Bwahahahaha. Those were some creative terms! Veteran vagina… I love it!

  3. Happy 22nd birthday anniversary! I actually think that that’s a genius idea, and I think I might steal it! LOL.

  4. This is awesome! The terms you suggest are perfect. I especially like Veteran Vagina! ha!

  5. That’s a really fun way to look at it! Aging is only stressful if you allow it to be!

  6. What a great way to approach your birthday. I have decided I am going to just forget how old I am.

  7. Aging doesn’t have to be a big deal and definitely not as big as society makes it! I LOVE your take on it.

  8. 42 WHAT!??? You’re absolutely beautiful!!! If that’s what 42 looks like, then sign me up! 😉 Great post and Happy Birthday!!!!

  9. Happy Birthday!! It’s just another year! It didn’t freak my out when I turned 30, but I do admit I set and think where has the time gone.

  10. I got a good laugh out of your alternative titles for advanced maternal age. My sister-in-law told me a nurse informed her that my sister-in-law was the oldest patient they had ever had using her own eggs to have a baby. What a statement! Is it a compliment?

  11. I agree! That is a way better way to say you are 42. You are gorgeous by the way!

  12. Toni | Boulder Locavore

    Well happy 22nd birthday! I wish I had stuck to that story before everyone knew my real age LOL!

  13. Happy 22nd Anniversary to you!!! I love this idea for birthdays instead of just saying you are 29 forever 🙂

  14. Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

    Don’t even get me started on the medical community. I had an argument with an eye doctor who did NOT even look at me, test me yet or anything but look at my chart and say, So based on your age you are here for bi-focals right? WTF! I told him Hell NO and if he didn’t perform the exam I’d have my insurance cancel the visit completely and he would not get paid for it. And gee, I was right I didn’t need them. I guess I have never peeked at my chart, I did have to start getting mammos earlier than 40 but they best hope I don’t see that mess on my chart! Your mom is a beauty!

  15. Well that’s definitely more fun than 42. How would you like 48 🙂

  16. I’ve started saying I’m 29 for the 3rd time, etc. I love you celebrating turning 22 for the 20th time!

  17. I just turned 30 last week – I shall remain 25 for the next few years 🙂 Actually it wasn’t so bad. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!

  18. I’m totally stealing your 20th anniversary idea! I’m creeping up on 40 myself, and I’m not feeling awesome about it.

  19. LOL! these are great. I love the Experienced Uterus . You look amazing.

  20. Lol. I lovethis! It makes me feel younger that way. You are brilliant.

  21. I actually embrace 42. I have never put a creative spin on my age. I love that as I have gotten older I have gotten wiser, so I proudly tell people that I am 42. I understand that women do put a fun spin on their age, and that’s cool too. Just not what I do 🙂

  22. Megan @ C'mon Get Crafty

    I absolutely love your spin on this occasion!! Happy “Anniversary”!

  23. Anjanette @MommaYoung

    These are such fun terms lol! Definitely made my day.

  24. I’m 45 and you’re right, it does sound weird to say it. Even weirder when someone else says it. 🙂

  25. Age really is just a number. You look great for your “anniversary”

  26. Age really is just a number. You look great for your “anniversary” Congrats!

  27. Oh my gosh girl you are so awesome! I love it – the 20th anniversary of your 22nd birthday. xoxo

  28. I am all for making it an anniversary. This is a great idea and hope it is a great anniversary for you

  29. I love being in my 40s! I simply love your cool terms! LOL!

  30. I like your terminology! Happy birthday!