I am a Mabel’s Labels Buzzmama which allows me to find out about the latest products and promotions. The most recent product I reviewed is the new allergy alert labels. This video shows you how I applied allergy alert labels to the cups and containers A.J. uses the most since he has a long list of food allergies. Be sure to use the social sharing tools to pin, tweet and share on Facebook since so many parents are coping with ways to keep their kids safe!

You can see that the new allergy alert labels have plenty of space for kids who have a lot of food allergies like A.J. It’s also a great visual reminder for him when we go over all the foods he can’t eat! I even made the horrible mistake of giving him a piece of my protein bar before I read the ingredients. Sure enough. It had peanuts and peanut flour. He started to vomit right away, we ended up in urgent care and he needed medication to stop his nausea. Talk about mommy guilt!
Food allergies are such a huge concern that I joined forced with other parenting bloggers. We hosted a webcast “Keeping Kids with Food Allergies Safe” where we share our experiences and advice. My guests were @RosesDaughter @PunkyMama and @JBledsoeJr.
Our children all have different food allergies and various child care arrangements, so I’m sure you can identify with at least one of my guests. Your school or organization can also promote Mabel’s Labels as a fundraiser. You get all the tools you need and can sign up online.
Watch this Today Show report on why kids’ food allergies are on the rise. It’s pretty revealing and I wished that I’d heard this information before I became a parents.
Comment below: Why do you think food allergies are on the rise among children? How do food allergies affect your life in terms of school snacks and hosting parties at home?

This are so helpful and are really needed when you child is at school. It really helps alerts others. With so many children having allergy problems today I’m sure most parents find this valuable. I enjoyed your video.
These are great! So important people are aware if there is an allergy present
This is so helpful and def is a big help with kids in school
So smart! I’m sure schools really appreciate these too. No one wants an allergy mistake!
I love Mabel’s Labels! These allergy stickers are amazing! I agree that too often they don’t have enough room for all allergies. These ones are perfect! Poor AJ! That is a lot to be allergic too!
What a great way to make sure everyone is aware of a child’ allergies.
My 7 month old just had an anaphylactic reaction to dairy least week (her first time trying it).. So I am new to this, but think these are a great idea! I think chemicals/hormones are too blame for the rise of food allergies.. But of course that’s just my 2 cents