(VIDEO) 5 Things I’ll Stop Saying in the New Year #FiguringOut40

Happy New Year! While many of you are jogging and working out, I admit I’m not…yet. Instead, I’m focusing on ways to change my attitude and outlook for 2014.  So much of what we say determines how we look at things. I’ve shared with you my challenges with depression, even though I’ve had an amazing 2013. Going forward in 2014, here are 5 Things I’ll Stop Saying in the New Year!  Stopping the negative speak can set the tone for the rest of your year.

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 Stop Saying

1.  I’m too busy.

Instead, you can say what’s in this video:

It’s brutal and honest.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day and some moms use them better than others.  We find time to do the things we want to do. Other stuff goes by the wayside.

We spend hours each day on Facebook (or at least I do) or watching trashy reality TV. Cut one or more of those bad habits and you’ll find the time to do the things that don’t seem to fit on your calendar.

Believe me, if I stopped watching TMZ for a week and used that time to clean my house – it would be spotless.

But I need my celebrity gossip fix more than I need a spotless house.

Would you like to get organized in the New Year? Office Candy has organization notes, totes and calendars for women in tons of fun colors.

2. I’m tired.

This is my biggest mistake, honestly. I say it out loud and in my head about 50 times a day, especially since A.J. wakes every morning around 6 a.m. and demands breakfast.

Instead, you can say:  I need to get energized.

That replacement statement switches the flip inside your head to find the energy you need. It may be taking a nap, taking a walk or eating a snack.

If you think the quality of your rest could be improved with a better quality mattress or pillow, check out Nature’s Sleep and it’s memory foam products. I’ve been dreaming of memory foam slippers for awhile. I’m just waiting on a sale! (which leads me to my third statement)

3. I can’t afford that.

Instead, you can say: I didn’t set up an expense like that in my budget.

It’s a true statement and it reminds you to budget.

Maybe in a month or two you will be able to put a splurge like a manicure/pedicure at Natural Body Spa Brookhaven. Maybe by the end of the year, you can take a solo vacation to Los Angeles for #FiguringOut40LA like I did for my 40th birthday. Believe me, if it wasn’t for discount vacation sites like AirBNB that allowed me to rent a suite in a condominium I wouldn’t have been able to afford it either.

Hey, we all want expensive things that we can’t afford. Look for sales, shop a thrift store every once in awhile, grab a Living Social deal for more than 50% off online, in store and local services.

4. I’m not good/strong enough. For my blogging buddies, we make the mistake of saying I’m not big enough or I don’t have a big enough audience.

Rubbish, I tell ya!

Don’t get me wrong. I see opportunities going to bigger bloggers and I feel a twinge of “why not me-ism.” On the flip side, I’m grateful for the brands and sponsors who’ve come back to me repeatedly to help promote their brand online or manage their social media presence.

Instead, you can say:  I’m capable.

Speak positively about yourself and your abilities.

If you don’t think your resumé or skill set is up to par yet, work on it. Ask someone for help. Take a self-help class. Buy a book. You can do it. Just focus.

Look back at the photos and fun you had last year. Who cares if you missed the Christmas card deadline? Celebrate what is amazing about you and your family by sending out Tiny Prints New Year’s cards (get 20% off your order) and print photos to start an album (get 50 free prints from Shutterfly).


5 Things I'll Stop Saying in the New Year ~ MommyTalkShow.com5. I’m too fat.

Geez Louise. Far, too many women say this to themselves. I’ve said versions of this. We talk about your thighs, our bellies and cellulite like they’re enemy number one. Cut yourself some slack. I am. I got on the scale at my OB/GYN’s office yesterday and I knew the three digit number wasn’t going to be pretty and I was right.

Instead, you can say: I’m working on my fitness and health.

Once I start feeling better emotionally, I want to find a dance class I like. On warmer afternoons, A.J. and I can take a walk with my Graco jogging stroller.

I wish you well. The way we speak to ourselves can really change our mindset and outlook going forward. If I can help you, please leave me a message on the Mommy Talk Show Facebook page.

Answer this question on the Mommy Talk Show Facebook page too:


Would your brand or business like to be featured in a #FiguringOut40 video campaign or Twitter event? Contact Mommy Talk Show and I’ll create a custom marketing plan to get moms and women over 35 TALKING about you on social media.

About Joyce Brewer

Creator & Host of Mommy Talk Show. Emmy award-winning TV journalist.Wife & Mommy; Mom Blogger; Social Media Coach; Long Island, New York transplant living in Atlanta, GA. Follow Joyce on Twitter @MommyTalkShow Author of Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms featuring interviews with mompreneurs who created businesses using their skills & backgrounds.

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  1. I love these tips! Turning negatives into positives can definitely change your outlook on things in your life. These are all so true. Great post!

    • Thanks Ashley.
      I’m not saying these changes will be immediate, either.
      Habits take some time to break.
      But I’m taking it one step at a time.

  2. Yes, yes, YES!! I condemn negative self-talk as a whole and I love seeing women kicking the habit. Fab as usual Madame JB!

  3. LOVE this!! I need to work on learning to stop saying “I’m too busy.” Especially where my kids are concerned. Must work on turning negative thoughts into positive ones! Great advice here!!

  4. That is great advice. How we see things makes a difference, so flipping that switch can be the key

  5. These are great ways to turn around drabby comments. Thank you, and happy new year!

  6. What a great post! I need to work on all of these. Specifically #5. I’ve gained a few pounds over the holidays and it bothers me that my clothes aren’t fitting the way I want them to. I have set a goal to cut back on my portion size and be a lot more active than I have been. I’m confident that it will melt away in no time 🙂 Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best in 2014!

  7. Really great post… it’s all about having a positive attitude. I’m a big believer that if you tell yourself (out loud) something enough you will start to believe it!

  8. This was a very very very good topic Mommy Talk Show. Sometimes we well “I” should say rather often forget how to properly speak our words into the universe. I really like the way you explained “instead of saying….” I’m to busy, say otherwise. That’s totally true! I am forsure going to be practing more and daily affirmations and being more wise on the words / sentence I so choose to use. Boii, I tell yah, it aint easy LOL. But I’m game for it, YES!

    -Janelle M., xo.

  9. Joyce you are absolutely correct. These are themes i need to stop saying as well. I have seen how they are being translated to my son as well, especially the I am to tired comment. Thanks for putting this out there! Happy 2014, may this be a great year for all of us!

    Nicole W. love ya

  10. The Bible says there is power in the tongue! So important to watch what we say, because often times our words come to fruition. So I’m join you in banning negative phrases in the New Year!

  11. I love this list!!! And yes, I have been guilty of saying each and every one of these. I’m going to also adopt your plan for 2014 and NOT say these things going forward. Thanks for the reminder!!!

  12. These are great tips!! I’ve said all of these at one point or another. I’m seriously trying to work on being more positive.

  13. Great post! This reminds me of the statistic that women spend on average 90-minutes a day worrying about appearance or body image. 90 minutes is the length of a feature film. Imagine have that much more mental space to concentrate on what we love, on our passions, on making changes. Love this as a way to start the new year.

  14. I’m too busy … I’ve heard the alternative “That sounds like a great idea, we should do that … but then you or the other person never gets back to you and more than likely its because you really don’t want to but you don’t want to say that. I think that if you use that then you’re saying it anyways when you don’t get back to them and then eventually you or people saying that to you will stop asking.

  15. What great tips and advice. One of my main things is to continue to be positive in my life!

  16. LOVE THIS!
    I think it is so important to be positive and say great things about ourselves and our lives.

  17. This is a really great post, so inspiring. I tend to say that I don’t have time to do something or don’t have enough money. Instead I want to start saying yes to more and finding ways to afford it. Life is way too short and I’m realizing that now.

  18. This is so true! I totally agree. I’ve been trying to watch what I say and try not to repeat anything negative or deterring to the kids.

  19. Like most people, I am my biggest critic. I could care less about what others think but when it comes to beating myself up, I do it with a vengeance. For 2014, instead of thinking about what I should have, could have done, I’m going to just live in the moment. Great post Joyce!