2015 Over 40 and Fabulous Atlanta Contest: Vote Daily for Joyce Brewer

2015 Over 40 and Fabulous Atlanta Contest: Vote Daily for Joyce Brewer ~ MommyTalkShow.com


Thanks to a select group of friends I asked to nominate me, I’ve made it to the finalist stage for the 50th Annual Over 40 and Fabulous Contest by Best Self Atlanta Magazine. Since I moved here in 2009, I’ve been impressed with the wonderful stories it covers about health and wellness. In my “mental bucket list” I’ve wanted to appear on the cover of the magazine. With your help, I can! Vote DAILY through April 5th and it will automatically be shared on Facebook.

In 2013, I started sharing with you the #FiguringOut40 series as I approached my 40th birthday. Since then I’ve been delighted to take a solo mom trip to Los Angeles and work with sponsors on campaigns to reach women approaching and in their 40s.

Take a moment and “get social” so I can reach the most votes. I’ve made it super simple for you to tweet and share my request for votes on Facebook!

Over 40 and Fabulous Atlanta


2015 Over 40 and Fabulous Atlanta Contest: Vote Daily for Joyce Brewer ~ MommyTalkShow.com


Best Self Atlanta Magazine

You can find hard copies of Best Self Atlanta Magazine at more than 2,000 locations around Atlanta, including salons, spas, health & fitness centers and medical offices. Read it for an array of interviews and perspectives from professionals. Here’s a look at the March 2015 digital version of Best Self Atlanta Magazine.

Thanks again for voting daily through April 5th for me for the Over 40 & Fabulous Contest for Best Self Atlanta Magazine.

About Joyce Brewer

Creator & Host of Mommy Talk Show. Emmy award-winning TV journalist.Wife & Mommy; Mom Blogger; Social Media Coach; Long Island, New York transplant living in Atlanta, GA. Follow Joyce on Twitter @MommyTalkShow Author of Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms featuring interviews with mompreneurs who created businesses using their skills & backgrounds.

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