Meet an Atlanta mom and daughter who have seen a revolutionary change in their family thanks to LearningRx Atlanta-Buckhead.
Cindy Pierson’s adopted son was referred to the cognitive learning center by a pediatrician because of his learning delays. He experienced such great results Pierson knew her teenage daughter would benefit too. Thanks to the one-on-one brain training Emily experienced, her grades and self-esteem have improved.
Assistant Director Bryson May works one-on-one with children and adults to help raise their I.Q. and improve their memory.
Every Monday & Friday this month (October 2011) watch new webisodes taped on-location and sponsored by LearningRx Atlanta-Buckhead where we cover a variety of topics including:
- How to tell if your toddler or pre-schooler may have a learning difference.
- What causes “mommy brain.”
- Who are the celebrities who have been open about their learning differences like ADD and ADHD.
Take this learning skills survey to see if you, your child or
someone you know could benefit from brain training.
Mention Mommy Talk Show for $75 off a cognitive skills evaluation
through January 31, 2012.
Disclaimer: LearningRx Atlanta-Buckead is a location sponsor for Mommy Talk Show.