(VIDEO) Back to School Essentials for Asthma and Allergy Kids

Although I just filled a Wal-Mart shopping cart with school supplies for A.J.’s second grade needs, I was far from done with getting him ready for the academic year. As a food allergy and asthma family, we have to make sure all of A.J.’s medications are up-to-date and his school nurse has the proper dosage information. Here’s a breakdown of back to school essentials for asthma and allergy kids. You can also watch my video feature interview with CBS 46 Atlanta  below – where I shared insight on the supplies asthma and allergy families need each school year.

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Back to School Essentials for Asthma and Allergy Kids

Most public school students are in class at least six hours a day and often longer with after care and sports. For allergy and asthma kids (or any child with a chronic condition) it’s important to have their medications available at all times. Countless times during A.J.’s pre-k, kindergarten and first grade years, his school nurse administered albuterol to help him with his asthma symptoms.  A lot of this was new to me when he started school. You’ll want to keep reading if your child is attending school for the first time or you switched schools.

Essentials for

Asthma & Allergy Kids

Make an appointment for an annual physical before school starts. New school medical forms are usually required each academic year. The school nurse and teachers need to know if your child’s dosages and medications have changed. It may be hard to get an appointment, so be sure to let your pediatric office know you’re coming in for school forms and be flexible with the times they provide.

Back to School Reminders for Asthma & Allergy Kids

Refill and renew medications. Many medications for asthma and allergies expire after one year. Expiration dates are typically displayed on the exterior packaging. For students with asthma, an inhaler they used last school year may have expired already. As he’s gotten older, A.J. has gone on more school field trips which I usually chaperone if my schedule allows. I’d like to give his teacher something like a MedBuddy Medicine Case to keep his medications organized and handy.

Back to School Essentials for Asthma and Allergy Kids


For families who are overwhelmed by the price of EpiPens, consider the Auvi-Q as an affordable alternative with a typical zero out-of-pocket cost. Here’s how to print and mail-in the form to request an Auvi-Q pen delivery to your door or doctor’s office.



AUVI-Q Zero Out-of-Pocket


EpiPen Vs. Auvi Q



Check nebulizer masks and tubing. Were any of these items broken or cracked over the school year? Has your child outgrown their nebulizer mask? Order new ones for the school.

Update or buy allergy alert labels for your child’s lunch bags and food containers. Did you order new water bottles and backpacks this school year? Make sure they have up-to-date allergy information. Place the allergy alerts on your child’s sports bottles too so their coaches are informed.

Keep your child’s classroom stocked with facial tissue. Any cold or runny nose can unleash a miserable period for little ones with asthma. Thankfully, A.J.’S teachers send requests home for additional tissues, especially during cold and flu season.

A.J. Asthma

Asthma & Allergy Needs

Nebulizer masks & Tubing

Albuterol & Inhalers

Epinephrine Pens & Cases

Allergy Labels

Facial Tissue


A.J. Kleenex

CBS 46 Interview: Back to School With Asthma & Allergies:

CBS46 News
Comment below: How do you keep your school nurse informed about your child’s medical conditions and needs? How do you keep them healthy throughout the school year?

About Joyce Brewer

Creator & Host of Mommy Talk Show. Emmy award-winning TV journalist.Wife & Mommy; Mom Blogger; Social Media Coach; Long Island, New York transplant living in Atlanta, GA. Follow Joyce on Twitter @MommyTalkShow Author of Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms featuring interviews with mompreneurs who created businesses using their skills & backgrounds.

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One comment

  1. Thank you so much for sharing. I thankfully don’t have to deal with this issue but I have family members that do. This is very important for child health and safety. Glad to have the tools and advice necessary.