SPONSORED BY: Main Street School of Art in Downtown Tucker
Webisode #5.4
Running a small business and maintaining a strong presence on social media can be demanding. For moms like me who run their own business, juggle play dates and dinner it’s even more of an overload. Nonetheless, to get new customers and stay in touch with current ones you need a social media presence.
In Part I Felicia Walton of Sassie Babies custom embroidery discussed how she uses Facebook and Twitter to connect with fans but still feels overwhelmed; Michele McDonald of Fit maternity wear explained how she uses Twitter to spread information; and I shared how using Tweetdeck and Hootsuite help me manage a social media presence for Mommy Talk Show by allowing me to schedule updates.
When we taped this guest & sponsor Laurie Morrison of the Main Street School of Art only had a presence on Facebook, but we finally convinced her to join the Twitterverse. Make sure you follow the Main Street School of Art on Twitter.