Envy: What a Waste of Time!


Welcome back to what’s become “Midlife Monday” when I tackle my Figuring Out 40 Journey. Some things I’ve mastered by age 40, but there’s still plenty of work to be done. Envy is of the things I’m working. Especially when I feel it creeping up within myself or when I see sentiments of it online. Do you believe envy is a complete and utter waste of time? Or is there anything redeeming about wanting what someone else already has? Keep reading for some quotes about envy and solutions on how to say farewell to the “green eyed monster” because it’s not getting you anywhere.


If you feel yourself feeling envious, take a break from social media. Thanks to Facebook we know what our friends are having for breakfast, lunch, dinner as well as every invitation and gift they receive. But imagine the freedom you’ll feel if you take a digital diet. Delete some apps for a few days, turn off your social media alerts and take a look at what’s really important – your family.
Digital Diet


Yes, your friends and people you admire may be stretching the truth.  I don’t. I admitted in a blog post that I’m lucky if I take four showers a week and that’s why Dial’s Marula Oil enhanced body wash was such a joy to use.
Much of what you’re coveting – that other people have – isn’t genuine anyway.


In case you don’t know FOMO stands for “Fear of Missing Out.” That’s when you either want to attend or force yourself to attend every event you’re invited to – just because you might miss something.
How exhausting!


Some relevant quotes about envy include “Comparison is the thief of joy”  by President Theodore Roosevelt.

Comparison is the Thief of Joyce

“Envy is an illusion. When something good happens to someone else, it takes nothing away from you.” ~ Author Unknown

But isn’t that an amazing realization?!

Envy is an Illusion

I hope I’ve helped you realize that envy gains NOTHING. It’s wasted energy. Do you know someone who suffers from envy? Tweet them this post or share it with them on Facebook!

Follow the rest of my Figuring Out 40 Journey:

Printable: Writer a Letter of Forgiveness to Yourself

Over 40 Friendship Prayer

How To Be 40 and Fearless

How to Get Pregnant Over 40: Celebrity Moms Who Made It Look Easy

I’ve also created a Pinterest Board where you can look back at Figuring Out 40.

About Joyce Brewer

Creator & Host of Mommy Talk Show. Emmy award-winning TV journalist.Wife & Mommy; Mom Blogger; Social Media Coach; Long Island, New York transplant living in Atlanta, GA. Follow Joyce on Twitter @MommyTalkShow Author of Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms featuring interviews with mompreneurs who created businesses using their skills & backgrounds.

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