Pregnancy and delivery experiences vary from pain free to blissful

Our Mommy Talk Show guests reflected back on what it was like to be pregnant and deliver their children. In this video Karen Brown talks about feeling very little pain and not knowing she was in labor. While Maran Baran enjoyed her delivery experience at an alternate birthing center inside …

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Is working from home the secret to coping with mommy guilt?

Our Mommy Talk Show guests are a mix of working and stay at home moms, but they share a common feeling: MOMMY GUILT! We discussed if working from home can be "the best of both worlds" and relieve the guilt. The short answer is NO. The longer answer and our opinions is in this webisode: Diane always thought she would be a stay at home mom. Instead, she's working full-time and running a small business. Karen is dealing with a new job and a longer commute. Thankfully, her husband has stepped up and taken on more of the child care duties. Maran recalls trying to work from home when her daughter was younger was extremely challenging.

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The 2011 Mom: Balancing household, hubby and the little ones

Our MommyTalkShow.com guests admit they're all struggling to find balance in their lives. Some of our secrets to getting work and household stuff done: Paying for someone to help us with household duties and organizing Getting work done in small time increments Don't sweat the "small stuff" like cleaning the back of the refigerator Diane says some things don't get done. She "wings it" and prioritizes so she can spend time with her husband and son. Maran agreed with Diane and said some things didn't get done. Karen is hiring a professional organizer and realizing she can't do everything on her own. She's also considering hiring a cleaning service since her new job also means a longer commute. Karen recommends hiring people to help you. I struggle as a stay at home mom to get work done before my husband goes to work or on weekends when my husband is home. I work in increments, even if it's 10 minutes of work.

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Will there be a “blizzard baby boom?”

After the snow in the Northeast and here in the Atlanta area, Mommy Talk Show asked our guests: "Will there be a blizzard baby boom?" We suspect because so many families were snowed in for several days that moms and dads took part in some "free entertainment" that could result in a baby boom in approximately nine to 10 months!

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How do you handle questions about Baby #2?

The moms in our Mommy Talk Show premiere were asked "How do you handle questions about Baby #2?" Maran's daughter, Ali, is an only child. When Ali turned 7, Maran and her husband decided their family of three was just fine. Karen's son, Michal, is also an only child. He was a surprise for Karen and her husband and they don't want to plan any family additions. If they add to their family, it'll be a surprise as well. Diane is also content with her family of three. She says people starting asking about Baby #2 when her son, Ethan, was about 6 months old. Diane and her husband may consider adopting an older child in a few years. My husband and I are still adjusting to being newlyweds so A.J. will likely be an only child. My husband says we're "one and done!"

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